SEO for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC)

Need more Patients?

We help ASCs and outpatient facilities get more qualified leads through search engine marketing.

HOw can SEarch engine marketing help your ASC?

Decrease total marketing spend
Increase inbound phone calls and new inquires
Increase total marketing return on investment (ROI)
Who we help

Struggling to Attract Patients Who Prioritize Transparency and efficiency in Surgical Care?

In the realm of Ambulatory Surgical Centers, where clarity and trust reign supreme, mastering search engine visibility isn't just an option—it's essential
Yet, mastering the intricacies of digital marketing can seem like navigating uncharted waters, particularly when previous efforts have not quite captured the attention of the discerning, informed patients your ASC aims to serve.
Is your practice a hidden gem in the vast expanse of online searches?
Have your efforts in digital marketing felt like shouting into the void, with little to no return on investment?
Ever felt let down by marketing gurus who promised the world, only to deliver a globe?

We Understand the Journey

We know the frustration of unseen potential and the sting of broken promises. More importantly, we recognize the unique value your practice offers to patients who prioritize transparency and informed decision-making in their healthcare.

Let's Chart a New Course Together

Imagine a partnership that illuminates your practice's presence online, attracting patients who are actively seeking the honest, upfront care you provide. 
With a strategy tailored to highlight your commitment to transparency, we navigate the complexities of digital marketing, ensuring your practice isn't just found, but sought after by those who value what you stand for.

Ready to Transform Your Patient Outreach?

With targeted marketing strategies that speak directly to your ideal patients, your Ambulatory Surgical Center will not just grow; it will thrive.
Stand Out: Elevate your online visibility where it matters most.
Engage: Connect with patients ready to embrace transparent healthcare.

Grow: Transform clicks into consultations with a strategy that speaks directly to your ideal patient base.

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Success Stories from our roots

Discover the excellence we're bringing to TJS Medical through testimonials from our parent company, The Joshua Studio. These reviews, from a range of services, highlight the quality and dedication you can expect in our niche focus. As we grow, we'll share more stories specific to our journey together.
The Sedera team had the pleasure of working with Josh on many marketing initiatives such as SEO strategy, social media management, copywriting, and graphic design. I am always impressed with his work ethic and creative problem solving skills that range from strategic thinking to creative art direction. I wholeheartedly recommend Josh for his positivity, skill and responsiveness.
Jenny Aghamalian
Public Affairs & Strategy
I can state with certainty that we wouldn’t be where we are today without Josh. When we initially began working with him, our expectation was to have a skilled specialist in tactical growth who could effectively introduce our Saas product to the market. However, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that Josh brought more to the table. In addition to his expertise in executing tactical campaigns, he also proved to be a positioning strategist and creative thinker. Josh played a vital role in helping us refine our visual identity, messaging and enhance our UX design with a user-centric approach.
Jacob Kranz
Working with Joshua was a game-changer for FCS Blue. His expertise were instrumental in
presenting our brand identity online, and the structures and processes he put in place for SEO led to remarkable results, and a future plan we believe in.
Steve Coppinger
Account Executive
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